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Post by Prof. Jack Rose
Social Media Today
On Wednesday evening, March 6th, Ofelia Zambrano, Founder and President of Presto Advertising visited Professor Jack Rose’s Principles of Marketing class to talk about her company and the importance of social media today, not only for marketing your business, but not having negative social media on your personal sites.
“Social media needs to be part of any marketing plan in today’s world of advertising and promotion,” Ms. Zambrano stated, reviewing the positives of social media on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. “They are a great tool and marketing your business, both for maintaining and seeking new customers.
Mrs. Zambrano also shared how negativism on personal social media sites can hurt one’s chance for an employment opportunity. “Today, many employers will use social media to find out information about you.” “Anything negate can have a direct impact on whether or not you are offered a position.” Professor Rose shared some examples of how negative social media prevented a company to hire the candidate.
Ms. Zambrano told the students how she got started and how networking is very important. “It’s hard work, but if you really want to be successful, you’ll succeed.”
Following the presentation, Professor Rose presented Ofelia Zambrano, Founder and President of Presto Advertising with a Certificate of Appreciation for being an entrepreneurial role model for our students.