Our Vision
United International College shall become a leader in the evolution of socially and morally conscious global professionals who aim to lead with emotional empathy and intuitiveness while caring for the well-being of humankind.
Our Mission
United International College offers hybrid and online undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of business, travel and tourism, and communications. The college offers a holistic and entrepreneurial learning environment which integrates and nourishes the student’s emotional intelligence, intuitiveness, and physical well-being.
Our Institutional Objectives are
- To offer students a student-centered learning environment that focuses on physical, mental, and entrepreneurial skills.
- To promote a college community that embraces diversity, inclusion and a sense of belonging.
- To hire faculty and staff with the appropriate academic credentials and industry-related work experience.
- To acquire and maintain resources that meet educational trends.
- To graduate students with the skills and knowledge that today’s labor market requires.
Our Values
We value the potential of students to generate cutting edge ideas by challenging traditional and repetitive ways of thinking and behaving. Through our model of holistic education, students allow their minds to expand their capacity to think “out of the box” and to create ideas that can be considered revolutionary in the modern times. Thus, their work becomes socially marketable based on its uniqueness.
We strongly believe in the natural human right of freedom. We relate to our students and community by granting each individual the right to make choices. Autonomy, free will, and self-determination are cores of the exercise of freedom. in our academic institution, students and faculty do not fear taking risks to improve their learning experiences in a safe environment where they do not fear of being judged. Individuals are free to express their individuality as a whole.
Our model of holistic education is rooted in the principle of human growth. As we acknowledge that individuals have the chance to develop their selves in the journey of life, our students not only grow intellectually through our curricula, but are also given the tools to focus on the development of their personal and spiritual experiences.
We value the distinctiveness of each of our students and faculty members. We believe in the human potential of each individual to exceed their faculties to become incomparable to any other person. This results in the true appreciation and respect of the characteristics and assets of everyone involved in our academic institution.
Our students become effective communicators who can express themselves while diminishing noise or misunderstanding in their communication processes. This results in the development of individuals who are equipped to successfully establish and nurture relationships that enjoy clarity in their human interactions.
We value truthfulness and sincerity. Beyond any other value, students and faculty must exercise their honesty at all times. Therefore, every member of our community can trust and rely on each other for support stemming from the premise that we all are true to ourselves and each other.
As an institution that values education, we daily build a sister-brotherhood that distinguishes us as a strong community of individuals who continuously support each other in the process of learning. Such fraternity is built on strong structures of love and respect for each other that allow its constant growth while welcoming new members who easily become part of the social network.
UIC welcomes students and faculty members from around the world. Our environment is enriched through the cultural diversity that all of the members of the institution bring to campus. We respect, promote and appreciate the various cultures that we are fortunate to have.