The college offers a number of institutional grants and scholarships to eligible applicants. The Financial Aid Office monitors, implements and coordinates all financial aid programs provided by United International College.
This award was created to help incoming students who wish to apply and complete an Associate or Bachelor degree at UIC. This scholarship is an academic merit only intended for full-time students.
Award Condition:
Scholarship awarded by the Board of Directors of United International College.
- Scholarship awarded for up to 30% of the total tuition
- It will be awarded and disbursed as follows: 100% at the time the student enrolls in UIC. The scholarship is valid as long as the student fulfills the following conditions each term:
- Complete 10 hours of service to UIC per academic term. Please present signed work-study form
- Maintain a CGPA of 3.0 and above
- Maintain attendance in good standing
- Make all payments in a timely manner
The decision of the Board of Directors will be final.
Supporting Documentation:
- Personal Essay: Write an ESSAY about why you deserve to receive this Scholarship. Indicate your objectives. You may want to include information about your educational and personal goals. Write about any special interests or special circumstances that you may wish the Academic Board to consider. Address evidence of leadership as well as your desire to study at UIC. Essay Format: Use 8 ½” x 11” white paper; minimum two pages or 1000 words. Times New Roman or similar 12pt – Double-space the body of your essay and use 1” margins all around.
- Include two letters of recommendation with your application from previous or current professors or employers. All documentation must be submitted in English or translated into English.
- High School (for Associate degree Students) or Associate Degree (for Bachelor Degree Students) Diploma and Transcripts showing a minimum GPA of 3.0 (Translated into English and evaluated by a by an International Credential Evaluator Agency, if applicable)
- Government-issued proof of ID
- There are 20 JA Moyano scholarships available to be granted every year
- Deadlines: August 1st and December 1st.
For more information, contact the Admissions office at (954) 607-4344
This award was created to help students who plan to successfully complete the MBA degree at UIC. This scholarship is an academic merit only intended for full-time students.
Award Condition:
- Scholarship awarded by the Board of Directors of United International College.
- Scholarship awarded for up to 30% of the total tuition
- It will be awarded and disbursed as follows: 100% at the time the student enrolls in UIC. The scholarship is valid as long as the student fulfills the following conditions each term:
- Make all payments in a timely manner
- Maintain a CGPA above UIC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress
- The decision of the Academic Board will be final.
- In the event that the student decides to withdraw from UIC, all tuition calculations will be made without the scholarship.
Supporting Documentation:
- Personal Essay: Write an ESSAY about why you deserve to receive this Scholarship. Indicate your objectives. You may want to include information about your educational and personal goals. Write about any special interests or special circumstances that you may wish the Academic Board to consider. Address evidence of leadership as well as your desire to study at UIC. Essay Format: Use 8 ½” x 11” white paper; minimum two pages or 1000 words. Times New Roman or similar 12pt – Double-space the body of your essay and use 1” margins all around.
- Government-issued proof of ID.
- There are 25 MBA scholarships available to be granted every year. Deadlines: August 1st and December 1st. For more information, contact the Admissions office at (954) 607-4344.
Eagle Ray Scholarship
This award was created to help athlete-students who demonstrate exceptional skills in their chosen sport and wish to represent the Eagle Rays.
Award Condition:
- Scholarship awarded by the Board of Directors of United International College.
- Scholarship awarded for up to 100% of the total tuition
- It will be awarded and disbursed as follows: 100% at the time a student enrolls in UIC. Scholarship is valid as long as the student fulfills the following conditions each term:
- Make all payments in a timely manner
- Maintain a CGPA above UIC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress
- The decision of the Board of Directors will be final.
- In the event that the student decides to withdraw from UIC, all tuition calculations will be made without the scholarship.
- Proof of exceptional skills in the chosen sport. Coaches will be recommending the award according to the student’s skills and or performance.
- Government-issued proof of ID
- There are 40 scholarships available to be granted every year. Deadlines: August 1st and December 1st. For more information, contact the Admissions office at (954) 607-4344