Valerie Seguin: An Inspiration to Future Communication and Mass Media Arts Students
Blog Post by Dr. Marcela Moyano
Dania Beach, FL- During the COVID 19 Pandemic, Valerie Seguin transferred to United International College from Talk International in the Summer of 2020. She enrolled in the Communications and Mass Media program coming from a 15+ Finance career in France. Valerie adds that she joined this program because communications was a field so foreign to her that it was worth exploring for a bachelor's degree. Valerie is originally from Bordeaux, France.
In the Spring of 2021, Valerie took a course on Podcasting and produced Wellness Whispers, a Podcast on the Mediterranean Diet. In the third episode of her podcast, she interviewed, Dr. Michel de Logeril, a published cardiologist and nutritionist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and the School of Medicine at Grenoble University, France. This episode has had several views and provides important information on the Mediterranean Diet.
During the same semester, she took Photography and exhibited her work at the J. Alberto Moyano Gallery at UIC. She developed her passion for photography and purchased the latest Sony photography technology to continue capturing what her eyes were seeing with her camera lens. On one of her trips to Sicily Island, she took breathtaking pictures of the Ancient theatre of Taormina. She sent these pictures to Dr. Guido, her Photography professor to curate the best picture for a second exhibition. Valerie exhibited once again her photography, this time based on her passion for photography that she developed as a result of the course.
In Animation I and II courses, Valerie worked for a year developing illustrations and animating her illustrations for her Short Film Zen Zone (2023) with a running time of 2:52 minutes. The short film depicts the common reality of a working mother who struggles with balancing her household responsibilities and work demands. When she cannot find a balance and her stress is unsustainable, she collapses and needs a solution to continue her life. This film resonates with every working mom who sees herself identified in this animated story.
Valerie also exhibited her drawings as a result of her Drawing course. One of her drawings illustrates a typical French dinner of cheese, grapes, bread, and wine. A much-longed meal for Valerie and her husband while living in the United States.
As an advocate for women’s empowerment and to emphasize the importance of the role of women in society, Valerie represented the character of Super Woman in the Theater and Performing Arts final performance. Her script illustrated women’s strength, resilience, and determination in the face of life's challenges.
Valerie concludes her academic coursework with the Documentary course at United International College where she, and her classmate, Renata Diniz, produced and directed, United in Diversity: Voices of UIC International Students (2024) with a running time of 32:03 minutes. Their documentary depicts UIC international students and their process of arriving and adapting to live in the multiversity of South Florida as international students. The film was submitted to a few of the South Florida film festivals.
Communication students are required to complete a 3-credit 145-hour internship before graduation. Valerie chose to intern in the Communications Office of UIC. Valerie assisted the Communications Director of UIC with all the internal and external communication efforts of the college. She put her camera to use during all the Media Day of the UIC Eagle Rays teams. She also updated the multiple websites of UIC using WordPress. She also developed a monthly newsletter with the latest information about the college. She extended her work in the internship as part of her Optional Practical Training (OPT) and continued working for UIC.
As highlighted in this short article, Valerie put all her best efforts into every assignment in every course. This article just highlights a few of her courses. Her other professors could cite the relevancy and singularity of her work. She earned an A in every course and she accumulated a GPA of 3.9. and graduated Manga Cum Laude in the Summer of 2024.
After 10 years of living in the United States, Valerie and her husband Jean-Bernard, returned to France. They plan to live in Sicily. Valerie acquired several communication skills and developed a talent that she can apply anywhere in the world. Your UIC Family will always be here for you. Amusez-vous et profitez bien de votre voyage!
Nicolas Guzman Camacho in UIC Collective Thoughts
Blog Post Written by Valerie Seguin
Dania Beach, FL- Collective Thoughts is a blog published once a semester by our UIC students. We are pleased to present the work of our student authors. Our blog is open to an array of genres including fiction, essays, and creative writing pieces. Our blog is an open space for our UIC students to IMAGINE, CREATE, and INSPIRE as they share their creative expressions. The mission of Collective Thoughts is to provide a platform to showcase the unique voice of the developing and emerging writer and to foster the love of writing.
Nicolas Guzman Camacho, Class of 2028 reflects on how the birth of his son reshaped his priorities, transformed his perspective on work-life balance, and redefined his understanding of fulfillment.
A pivotal time in my life by Nicolas Guzman Camacho
The birth of my son, four years ago, was a turning point in my life and reshaped not only my priorities but also myself. I was used to very long hours at work, back-to-back deadlines, and not being able to say “no” through my work as a software engineer. As a matter of fact, my professional identity was closely stitched together with this unending rhythm of productivity, leaving little room for personal well-being or deeper connections.
Reflection about the big picture hardly occurred before the birth of my son. The demands of my job consumed me and made the job first priority. Days were full of tasks and responsibilities that intellectually had fed me yet physically exhausted and emotionally numbed me. The thought of balance was a far-off myth buried beneath expectations- both those I had of myself and those others had. In many ways, I was the product of the environment that I had chosen: one that rewarded dedication with success but quietly eroded the boundaries that define a fulfilling life.
The moment I held my son in my arms for the first time, everything shifted. It was like a blindfold fell off and suddenly I could see what it truly meant to be present, to fully invest in the life I was living. This tiny, fragile human was utterly dependent on me, and with that knowledge came a deep sense of responsibility- not just to his well-being, but to the kind of parent and person I wanted to be. And then, the questions I had avoided or neglected began to surface: What kind of example was I setting? What legacy was I building?
The answer to these questions proved to be quite transformational. That means! I made that very hard decision to quit my demanding job and took another one that allowed remote working. This shift in work schedule allowed me to be more present with the family, to witness the milestones and the ordinary moments that I would have otherwise missed. The healthier path that I chose then brought regular exercise into my routine and made me more conscious of how I wanted to invest my time and energy.
Looking back, the birth of my son was not only a turning point but a catalyst for transformation. It taught me about the importance of balance, time, and joy that cannot be replaced by anything else when one is present for their loved ones. Now, my priorities have shifted in ways that I could never have envisioned, and though the path to that realization was not without its challenges, the journey has proved extremely rewarding. Nowadays, I am not only a better father but also more complete and with a clearer understanding of what is truly important in this life.
Parnya Nadeem in UIC Collective Thoughts
Blog Post Written by Valerie Seguin
Dania Beach, FL- Collective Thoughts is a blog published once a semester by our UIC students. We are pleased to present the work of our student authors. Our blog is open to an array of genres including fiction, essays, and creative writing pieces. Our blog is an open space for our UIC students to IMAGINE, CREATE, and INSPIRE as they share their creative expressions. The mission of Collective Thoughts is to provide a platform to showcase the unique voice of the developing and emerging writer and to foster the love of writing.
Parnya Nadeem, a student from Islamabad, Pakistan, in the Class of 2028, reflects on a transformative moment in her aviation journey in her essay, The Flight That Redefined My Path, where an ordinary flight turned into an extraordinary test of resilience, responsibility, and leadership, reshaping her career and reigniting her passion for flying.
The Flight That Redefined My Path by Parnya Nadeem
In a pilot’s life, each flight is a unique journey, but some flights become pivotal moments that redefine who we are. For me, it was an ordinary flight that unexpectedly turned into a profound learning experience. This flight reshaped my understanding of responsibility, resilience, and the sheer joy of being in the sky.
Before this flight, my career as a pilot had settled into a predictable rhythm. My days were filled with pre-flight checks, meticulous navigation plans, and the routine of commercial routes. While the excitement of flying was still present, I found myself longing for something more-something beyond the daily grind.
I remember a particular day vividly. It was supposed to be a routine flight from a bustling city to a smaller regional airport. The weather forecast had warned of some turbulence, but nothing out of the ordinary. I was confident in my skills and the aircraft’s performance. However, little did I know that this seemingly ordinary flight would become an extraordinary test of my abilities. As we climbed into the sky, the turbulence hit us with a force I hadn’t anticipated. The plane began to shake, and the familiar hum of the engines turned into a roar. I could see the anxiety in the eyes of the passengers behind me, and I knew I had to stay focused. The turbulence wasn’t just a bump in the road; it was a violent reminder of how unpredictable aviation can be.
In those intense moments, I had to draw upon every ounce of my training and experience. My co-pilot and I worked in sync, communicating calmly and executing maneuvers with precision. The cockpit was filled with the sound of our voices, steady and reassuring. Outside, the plane tossed and turned as if it were a leaf in the wind.
I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility. It was no longer just about following procedures; it was about ensuring the safety and comfort of everyone on board. Every decision was critical, and every second mattered. As the turbulence eventually eased and we landed safely, I felt a mixture of relief and exhaustion. But more than that, I felt a deep sense of clarity.
In the aftermath of that flight, I found myself reflecting deeply. The experience had reinforced my respect for the unpredictability of aviation and highlighted the importance of staying calm under pressure. I realized that being a pilot is not just about technical skills-it’s about embracing challenges with grace and leading with confidence.
This flight became a turning point in my career. It reignited my passion for flying and gave me a renewed sense of purpose. I understood that even in the routine, there are moments that test and define us. I began seeking additional training and eagerly engaged in discussions about handling emergencies. The incident had transformed into a valuable lesson in resilience and empathy.
A Heartwarming Thanksgiving Celebration at United International College and United Language Institute
Blog Post Written by Valerie Seguin
A Heartwarming Thanksgiving Celebration at United International College and United Language Institute
On Thursday, November 21st, the UIC and ULI community came together to celebrate Thanksgiving at the Dania Beach campus. With the perfect South Florida weather—sunny and warm—the day was a beautiful testament to gratitude, unity, and joy.
The event began with the screening of the documentary United in Diversity: Voices of UIC International Students (2024), directed by Valerie Seguin and Renata Diniz and produced by Marcela Moyano. The film, which highlighted the diverse and inspiring stories of UIC’s international students, resonated deeply with the audience. During the Q&A session, many students expressed enthusiasm for a follow-up documentary featuring athletic students, an idea that Valerie encouraged communication students to develop as a future project.
After the screening, everyone gathered in the campus backyard for a delightful Thanksgiving lunch. Beneath the shade of a majestic century-old tree, a long table draped in elegant cloths created a picturesque dining setting. Under a nearby tent, an impressive array of dishes awaited, many of them contributed by students eager to share their favorite recipes. At the heart of the feast were a perfectly roasted turkey and succulent pork, generously provided by the college. The air was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of traditional Thanksgiving flavors, and the cheerful chatter of friends and colleagues added to the festive atmosphere.
The celebration extended beyond the meal as students made the most of the beautiful weather. Some formed impromptu volleyball teams, laughing and cheering as they played on the lawn. Others sat in small groups, enjoying relaxed conversations and connecting with friends. Soft music played in the background, adding a serene and joyful touch to the occasion. The sunny skies, warm breeze, and vibrant energy of the gathering turned the backyard into a haven of togetherness and celebration.
This Thanksgiving marked the first of its kind at UIC’s Dania Beach campus, and it was nothing short of a success. It showcased the spirit of sharing, gratitude, and community that defines UIC.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this event possible—from the students who brought dishes to the professors and staff who worked behind the scenes. The kindness and unity shared that day remind us of the importance of gratitude and the strength of the UIC family.
Happy Thanksgiving, UIC! May this tradition continue to grow, bringing warmth and joy to our community for years to come.
Carly Jure in UIC Collective Thoughts
Blog Post Written by Valerie Seguin
Dania Beach, FL- Collective Thoughts is a blog published once a semester by our UIC students. We are pleased to present the work of our student authors. Our blog is open to an array of genres including fiction, essays, and creative writing pieces. Our blog is an open space for our UIC students to IMAGINE, CREATE, and INSPIRE as they share their creative expressions. The mission of Collective Thoughts is to provide a platform to showcase the unique voice of the developing and emerging writer and to foster the love of writing.
Carly Jure, a sophomore at UIC hailing from Haiti and a standout soccer player for the Eagle Rays team, recently showcased his analytical depth in Collective Thoughts with an essay exploring core American values like individualism, equality, liberty, and the American Dream, shedding light on their influence in fostering personal and societal growth.
What are American Values? by Carly Jure
Individualism emphasizes self-reliance and personal autonomy. Unlike other societies, people in American society like to do their stuff on their own unless what they’re doing requires help from other people. In contrast, in other societies, everyone pinched together to do almost everything. People in American culture like to be free to make their own decisions, create their own paths, and have their responsibilities. People in American society believe in creating their paths to success through belief, hard work, and sacrifices. This value encourages people to think independently, express their unique points of view, and contribute to society’s progress through originality and creativity. By valuing individual perspectives and creativity, individualism creates an environment where different ideas and innovations can succeed.
Equality emphasizes that everyone should have the same equal rights and opportunities. It is a big value because it’s been there since the nation’s first day, it’s even written in the Declaration of Independence. There are different types of equality in American society: legal equality (it focuses more on everyone being the same in front of the law, despite color, race, or gender), economic equality (it focuses more on everyone having equal opportunities to success, lower-income people pay fewer taxes than higher-income people, having median minimum wages), social equality (it focuses more on combating racial discrimination and segregation, issues such as systemic racism, police violence, and disparities in education and employment opportunities continue to impact minorities, and the feminist movement, which has fought for equal pay, reproductive rights, and anti-discrimination laws.), educational equality (it focuses more ensuring that all students have equal access to quality education regardless of their background, including factors such as race, socioeconomic status, gender, or disability.) Despite having all those types of equality, achieving equality at a full scale is still a big and ongoing challenge.
Liberty emphasizes individual freedom and personal autonomy. It is rooted in the nation’s founding documents. Liberty is included in various aspects, such as Personal Freedom (the right to express yourself, practice religion, and make personal choices without government interference.) Political Freedom (the right to participate in the democratic process, like voting, running for office, and doing political actions.) Economic Freedom (the ability to chase economic opportunities, own property, own land, and do commerce.) Civil Freedom (the right of protection against government, ensuring rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, and privacy.) Liberty is essential for creating innovation, creativity, and diversity, making the country’s culture and society dynamic. At the same time, discussions about liberty also raise questions about the balance between individual rights and the common good, like public health and safety.
The American Dream
The American dream emphasizes the belief that anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. Everyone has the opportunity/chance to pursue their goals and improve their circumstances by being able to learn, have jobs, and have resources. It’s not too hard to own a house or property, owning property is often seen as a symbol of success and stability, it is a central aspiration for many, representing security and investment in the future. In this society, everyone can rise above their current economic status, it doesn’t matter how poor you are, it just depends on your willingness to work hard and each generation can achieve a better life than the one before. A person’s success should be based on individual talent and effort rather than social class, race, or family background. The American Dream has evolved, and it remains a big motivator for many, symbolizing the potential for growth and success in America.
Spooky Fun at United International College and United Language Institute: Celebrating Halloween 2024
Blog Post Written by Dr. Marcela Moyano
Spooky Fun at United International College and United Language Institute: Celebrating Halloween 2024
On October 31, 2024, United International College (UIC) and United Language Institute (ULI) were transformed into a festive, Halloween wonderland. For many domestic and international students, this was not just another evening on the calendar. It was a chance to embrace American traditions, share Halloween excitement, and make lasting memories with friends and classmates. For many international students, this was their first-ever Halloween celebration, and it was an experience they will never forget!
A Celebration of Culture and Tradition
Halloween is one of the most beloved holidays in the United States, and UIC and ULI joined in the fun with their annual celebration that brings together students from around the world. Whether you were carving pumpkins, dressing in creative costumes, or wrapping friends up as mummies, the celebration is always filled with laughter, friendly competition, and a touch of spooky spirit.
The festivities kicked off with a Pumpkin Carving Contest. Pumpkins were handed out, and students eagerly got to work, wielding carving tools to turn the pumpkins into works of art—some spooky, some funny, and others just plain quirky. For many international students, this was their first time carving a pumpkin, an iconic Halloween activity that is often unfamiliar in their home countries. The air was filled with laughter, as students shared tips and marveled at each other’s designs.
Students poured their creativity into the competition, and the result was a dazzling array of jack-o'-lanterns, each reflecting a unique twist on Halloween. Some carved traditional creepy faces, while others went for more imaginative or cultural interpretations. The winner was the sophomore Business Administration tennis student-athlete, Savano Hanna, a native of The Bahamas and first time carving a pumpkin. Every student who participated walked away with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound appreciation for this fun and quirky American tradition.
Costumes, Contest, and Creative Fun
Of course, no Halloween celebration is complete without costumes! The UIC and ULI Halloween event encouraged everyone to come dressed in their best (or most amusing) attire. Students embraced the spirit of the day, showing off everything from spooky Jokers and ghosts.
Mummy Madness: Toilet Paper Wrap Race
Students also enjoyed the Toilet Paper Mummy Wrap Race. Students teamed up to wrap each other up in toilet paper as quickly as possible, creating the most convincing mummies. Laughter echoed through the UIC Campus garden as teams frantically raced against the clock, struggling to keep their mummies intact. It was a hilarious sight to see students—some of them from halfway around the world—wrapped up in layers of toilet paper, with only their eyes peeking out from beneath the gauzy layers. The fun and excitement of the competition helped build camaraderie among students, whether they were from the United States or abroad.
Looking Forward to Next Year’s Haunting Celebration
The Halloween Annual Celebration is an opportunity for international and domestic students alike to step outside of their comfort zones, try something new, and experience a slice of American culture joyfully and engagingly. Many students expressed how much they enjoyed seeing familiar traditions from a different perspective and how much they appreciated the chance to connect with others from all over the world.
As the students returned to their studies, they took with them not just new skills in carving pumpkins or wrapping mummies, but a deeper connection to each other and to the spirit of Halloween. Who knows what next year’s celebration will bring? One thing’s for sure—if Halloween 2024 was any indication, it will be bigger, spookier, and even more fun!
Happy Halloween from United International College and United Language Institute!
Damon Phillips in UIC Collective Thoughts
Blog Post Written by Valerie Seguin
Dania Beach, FL- Collective Thoughts is a blog published once a semester by our UIC students. We are pleased to present the work of our student authors. Our blog is open to an array of genres including fiction, essays, and creative writing pieces. Our blog is an open space for our UIC students to IMAGINE, CREATE, and INSPIRE as they share their creative expressions. The mission of Collective Thoughts is to provide a platform to showcase the unique voice of the developing and emerging writer and to foster the love of writing.
Meet Damon Phillips, a UIC Junior and Class of 2028 scholarship athlete whose journey to college basketball was anything but typical. Starting with a dream but no formal training, Phillips faced setbacks, including being cut from his high school team. Rather than give up, he committed to rigorous training, honing his skills and mental toughness through countless early mornings and late nights. His resilience and dedication paid off, leading to a college scholarship and a spot on UIC’s team. Phillips’ story is a powerful testament to perseverance, and we’re thrilled to have him bring that spirit to UIC!
My Journey to Earning a College Basketball Scholarship by Damon Phillips
My journey to earning a college basketball scholarship is one marked by adversity, perseverance, and a deep-seated commitment to overcoming the odds. As I reflect on this pivotal chapter of my life, the contrast between my initial despair and the subsequent triumph is both vivid and inspiring. This is the story of how a high school basketball dream nearly crumbled, only to be rebuilt through relentless effort and determination.
At the outset, my relationship with basketball was marked by enthusiasm but little experience. Growing up, I admired the sport from afar, watching games and practicing shots in my driveway. Yet, as high school loomed, my passion remained just that- an unfulfilled dream. I had never played organized basketball, and my high school offered no opportunities to join a team. By the time I was a senior, my window seemed to be closing, and my aspirations felt increasingly out of reach.
The turning point came abruptly. In my senior year, I finally made the high school team, only to face a series of challenges that tested my resolve. The excitement of being a part of the team quickly turned into frustration as I struggled to keep up with my more experienced teammates. My lack of formal training and game experience became glaringly obvious. The breaking point arrived when, after a series of disappointing performances, I was cut from the team.
However, in the wake of this setback, something remarkable happened. I refused to let this rejection define me. Instead, it ignited a fierce determination within me to prove not just to others but to myself that I could overcome this obstacle. I decided to take my future into my own hands. I sought out a personal trainer- a decision that would reshape my life. My trainer, a seasoned coach with a deep understanding of the game, took me under his wing. The sessions were grueling. Mornings began before dawn, and evenings were spent in the gym long after the sun had set. I dedicated myself to mastering the fundamentals, honing my skills, and building the physical and mental toughness necessary to compete at a higher level. The early mornings were cold, the workouts were intense, and the progress was slow. Yet, with each day, my abilities improved, and so did my confidence.
As the months passed, the fruits of my labor began to manifest. My game improved significantly; I became more agile, more strategic, and more resilient. The skills I developed were not just physical but also mental, learning to handle pressure, stay focused, and remain determined despite setbacks. The sacrifices I made-giving up weekends, social events, and even some of my senior year experiences started to feel worth it.
When the time came to apply for college scholarships, I was ready. I presented not only my improved skills but also the story of my perseverance. It was no longer just about a scholarship; it was about demonstrating that I had the resilience to overcome failure and adversity. That story resonated with the coaches and scholarship committees, and my efforts were rewarded. I was offered a basketball scholarship that allowed me to attend college and continue pursuing, my passion.
Looking back, the journey from being cut from the team to earning a scholarship is a testament to the power of resilience and hard work. It was a period marked by intense personal growth and the realization that adversity while challenging, can be a powerful catalyst for change. This experience taught me that setbacks are not the end but rather an opportunity to rise, adapt, and succeed. In conclusion, the path from a high school player with little experience to a college scholarship recipient was neither straightforward nor easy. It was a journey filled with late nights, early mornings, and relentless effort. Yet, it was through this adversity that I discovered my true strength and capacity for growth. This chapter of my life remains a profound reminder that with determination and hard work, even the most daunting obstacles can be overcome.
Dr. Marcela Moyano, Director of Communications, United International College
Dr. Marcela Moyano is the director of Communications, Marketing and Media Relations of United International College (UIC). She also serves as faculty member of the Communications and Mass Media associate and bachelor programs of UIC.
Andres Ocampo, Director of Operations, HLB Specialties

Andres was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1975. He graduated in architecture at Universidad de los Andes in 1999. That same year he migrated to the US where he worked with his family business as a customs broker for the next 4 years. While there, he pursued an MBA with emphasis in International Business at Florida International University, graduating in 2003. That same year he changed career paths and joined HLB Specialties, who are importers and distributors of fresh fruits and clients of his previous position as customs broker.
For the past 14 years, he has worked at HLB Specialties through different roles in the family owned business and for the past 5 years, acting as its Director of Operations.
There he’s responsible for the financial aspects of the company as well as for developing and maintaining grower relationships throughout Latin America. While at this role, he has had the opportunity to travel to several countries in the region, visiting farms and participating in multiples events organized by the local governments to attract foreign buyers that would be interested in bringing fresh fruits and products to the North American and European markets.
Under Mr. Ocampo’s guidance, HLB Specialties has grown to be a top player in the tropical fruit importing business, specializing in papayas and rambutan and supplying most top retailers and wholesalers in the US and Canada. Due to the nature of the business, Mr. Ocampo is very involved with the logistical challenges and searching for opportunities and products that will satisfy the needs of the North American market. By matching those needs with the realities and opportunities of the agricultural sector of the hemisphere, he developed a unique perspective of the food chain as a whole.