Written by Prof. Jack Rose

Miramar, Florida – There are times when I just need to take a break and recharge my batteries, like the Energizer Bunny. For me, this usually happens during football season when I can wake up, shower, and crawl in bed for the day to watch the games. However, as a professor, I tell students that I have learned more in my lifetime by listening and observing. While books are important, listening to others, observing what is happening in our environment brings more knowledge, and important life skills.

Luis Hernandez during his Mock Interview assignment with Prof. Rose in the Business Communication course.

While students are number one, each student is an individual and must be challenged to reach a high altitude. Then, there are those who truly amaze me and I wish I can clone them. Knowing that I cannot, I decided to interview Luis Alejandro Hernandez, a member of our UIIC Baseball Team, a catcher and second baseman, to find out how Luis manages to succeed on the field, in the classroom, at his job, and with his peers.

Luis was born in Venezuela and came to United International College last year, as a Business Administration major, not only to obtain his college degree, but to be a member of a college baseball team. At 21 years old, Luis has set many goals for himself and strives to achieve them. Having had Luis in different classes, and aware of his position on the baseball team, Luis shared with me that he also works. He just doesn’t have a job; he is a manager and shared with me how he practices customer service excellence and instills that to his team.

Luis Hernandez, Manager of Cien Montaditos, Miami Lakes Branch.

Luis takes pride in his strong work ethics, which contributed to his advancement to a management position at 100 Montaditos Restaurant in Miami Lakes. Starting as a cook, Luis developed his culinary skills, and was promoted to kitchen leader, and began showcasing his leadership abilities. Noticed and impressed by his ability to multi-task and his belief that the customer must leave happy, Luis became a manager, not only responsible for the training and development of new employees, but accepted the challenge to work with his existing team and challenged staff to exceed customer service excellence. He also accepted the responsibility of the entire operations of the restaurant, from working with vendors and suppliers, to planning the daily and weekly menus.

I asked Luis how he manages to do everything, and do it well. He quickly answered, “Discipline” and then continued to state, “I strongly believe in discipline that can truly drive responsibility,” and he confides that past teachers and professors have noticed that about him.

Luis Hernandez plays as Catcher and Infielder of the UIC Eagle Rays Baseball Team.

Luis lives by a philosophy that he has instilled in himself. “Be better and be the best,” and explains, “It doesn’t matter what people do to you, but I have to be better and not do the same thing to another person. “I have to be better because I want to assure myself that in every aspect of my life/career, I will give my best efforts to be good at it, and do my best. 

Luis concludes by saying something that really hit home. “What motivates me is the sense of discipline, and making my family, people around me, and myself, proud of everything I do as well as the desire of accomplishing the kind of life I want to have.”

In speaking with other professors, when the name of Luis Hernandez is mentioned, the positive feedback is immediate reflected on his philosophy of always wanting to be better. Perhaps, this interview will inspire others to develop the philosophy that helps Luis to succeed. Are you up to that challenge?

Luis was chosen to be the Student Speaker of the XXII Commencement Ceremony of United International College.

Congratulations, Luis, on your accomplishments and we are certain that you will keep climbing higher and higher, not only for you, but for your family, friends, and mentors.