Ofelia Zambrano
CEO/Founder, Presto Marketing

Ofelia Zambrano is the founder and CEO of Presto Marketing, a multi-services marketing agency based on South Florida. The inspiration for the name is from the Italian word “presto” meaning fast because she is a fast worker and like to deliver immediate results.
Presto Marketing has grown rapidly from 2014 to 2019 and will continue to excel with the support of her husband and daughter, who joined the business to further improve the company. Some of her goals is to keep growing sales, maintaining long lasting relations with her clients and be able to hire more people to offer stability and great job opportunities.
Ofelia Zambrano was born on April 15th 1974 in Managua, Nicaragua. She studied Business Administration and would live there for 29 years before moving to Florida in the United States with her husband Raul and her daughter Valeria.
In the years that she lived in Nicaragua; Ofelia worked as the general manager in a travel agency. This job helped her refine the skills she developed at a young age such as organization, time management, and dedication. She stayed working at the travel agency for 10 years before moving to Florida and working in radio selling advertising. She would stay at this job for 8 years, learning more about business and selling than ever before. However, Ofelia is goal-oriented and yearned for more and decided to embark a new journey by opening her own company.
Ofelia is very dedicated and does have her own hobbies as well. One of them is traveling because she sees traveling as a great way of learning. The second hobby is reading, her favorite book being “The power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. Discipline and consistency are the 2 words that rules her life and by practicing these is the only way she is able to achieve all her goals.
All in all, Ofelia has grown, not only as a person, but as a professional. Constantly learning about the current trends. Her inspiration has always been and will continue to be herself, and to be better than who she was the day before.