Written by Prof. Chonevski Aleksandar
UIC Students Explore the Operación Pedro Pan
During the COVID-19 Winter Semester of 2021, United International College’ (UIC) students from the International Business Management Program followed an online Ethics course conducted by Prof. Aleksandar Chonevski who invited Dr. Javier Gonzalez, a social justice professor from Barry University, on April 12, to present Operación Pedro Pan. After which, the class linked to a Global Immigration webinar.
On April 12, Barry University’s Institute for Immigration Studies (IIS), partnered with the Catholic University of America to sponsor a virtual speaker panel discussion entitled “Immigrant Family Separation: Past and Present.” Students from UIC’s Ethics class were invited to participate and reflect on the virtual event.
Nice United International College students reflected upon the Pedro Pan Conference with ideas, practice discussions, and themes, that concerned the panel highlight such as: comparison of different systems and social contrast, trauma, welfare, injustice and ethical relativism, feminism, difficulties of immigration, equality and discrimination, revolutionary purpose, educational challenges, struggling to survive, better citizens, family reunions that is extension prose of contemporary issues.
Ethical class conclusion: This conference “Immigrant Family Separation: Past and Present” revealed memories and contemporary lived experiences of Pedro Pan minors from the largest exodus in south Florida that shifted and recognized educational, cultural, socio-economics, psychological and political needs that happened and continues to happen in America, with purpose of dialogue and action to further research the narratives of American Dreamers.